Eid confirmed for tomorrow Friday 17th July 2015

Posted July 16th, 2015 by admin and filed in Ramadan

Assalamu alaikum,

Dear All,

Just to let you all know, it’s been confirmed straight from the Sheiks mouth: the moon has been sighted in Saudi and therefore Eid has been confirmed for tomorrow July 17 2015.


Please do:

– Arrive by 10am latest, the Salaah will start at 10.30am sharp. Car space is limited so please arrive early to avoid the rush.

– Bring a mat

– Bring some finger food to share with your Muslim brothers and sisters – (Personally I like anything with lamb!!)

– Bring your children, wives, sisters, brothers, parents


When you arrive, please:

– Sit on the sitting area, please NO strolling or milling around talking to friends

– Please listen to Khutbah – this is IMPORTANT, else you will spoil your salaat

– Please do not rush off after Salaah, enjoy the day with us, there is something for everyone!

Lastly, if you are able to volunteer to help clear up after the event, this will be much appreciated, many hands make light work after all!





Eid confirmed for tomorrow – Eid Mubarak

Posted July 27th, 2014 by admin and filed in General, Ramadan

Assalamu alaikum,


Just to let you all know, it’s been confirmed straight from the Sheiks mouth: The moon has been sighted in Suadi and therefore Eid has been confirmed for tomorrow Monday 28th.


As a pre-cursor to our main celebration we will be having tea and biscuits in the Thomas Wall Centre tonight after Isha.


If you have any questions, please call me directly 07713 189 032.




Assalamu’alaikm w rahmutullahi, wa barakatahu

This is just to let you know, Eid in Park will take place tomorrow inshallah.

Arrival at 10am, Eid salah will be held at 10.30am sharp inshallah at Overton Park.

Please can you bring your mat. Also, can I ask you all to make this duas for good weather tomorrow:

Asking for a clear sky
‘O Allaah, let the rain fall around us and not upon us, O Allaah, (let it fall) on the pastures, hills, valleys and the roots of trees.’
(Al-Bukhaaree 1/224 and Muslim 2/614)

If you’re still undecided about coming, this is what you missed last year…

And lastly, on behalf of all at Companions of the Mosque we would like to wish you all Eid Mubarak.

Eid in the Park, Sutton, 2010

Posted September 12th, 2010 by admin and filed in General, Videos & MP3

Just a quick video of the day.