Ramadan Q&A

Posted April 9th, 2021 by admin and filed in How to, Monthly talks, Ramadan

Assalamu alaikum all,

Just a reminder of our Ramadan talk tonight 8pm – all the questions you want to know.

See you there!


Posted March 29th, 2021 by admin and filed in General, How to








COM will be hosting a Covid vaccination hub on 

Friday 16 April and 30 April, 


The Thomas Wall Centre

52 Benhill Avenue, Sutton SM1 4DP

Working with Sutton Primary Care Networks, local Muslim female and male doctors will be running this special Ramadan Twilight outreach clinic at the Thomas Wall Centre to help vaccinate more people in Sutton against Covid.

This is an excellent opportunity for you and/or your loved ones to immunise yourself against the virus in a safe and familiar environment during the Tarawih prayers during Ramadan.

PLEASE NOTE: This clinic is:

for those who are 50+

aged 18+ in a vulnerable group (Group 6 from the JVCI guideline)

the clinic will be providing the Astra-Zeneca (Oxford) vaccine 

all the vaccinations will be carried out by local Muslim doctors

the service is open to Muslims and non-Muslims 

Book your vaccination online NOW – https://suttoncovid.appointedd.com

(Female vaccinators will be available for sisters)

IMPORTANT NOTICE:: Zakaatul-fitr

Posted August 13th, 2012 by admin and filed in General, How to

We strongly advise people to complete their Fitra (Zakaatul-fitr)
at least two days before Eid.

This is so that it is in the possession of the needy before the Eid prayers. If it is not paid in time, it will not be accepted as Fitra. Instead it will only be classed as an ordinary charity.

The following authentic hadeeth explains this:
Narrated by Ibn Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, that the messenger of Allah, salla Allhu alaihi wa sallam, said: ”The Fitra is cleansing, for the fasting person, from nonsense and misconduct behaviour, at the same time it is a feeding gift to the needy, whomsoever hands it over – i.e. to the needy BEFORE the Eid prayer, then it is an accepted Zakaaht, and whomsoever give it after the prayers then it is charity as part of charities” (Sunan Abi Dauod 1609 –translated by Abdullatif)

New Arabic Language course

Posted June 6th, 2012 by admin and filed in How to

This is to let you all know, we will be insha-allah, starting a new Arabic language course from 12 June 2012 at the Civic Office, Sutton.

For further information, please download the course details PDF here.

Hajj Seminar

Posted October 22nd, 2010 by admin and filed in General, Hajj&Umrah, How to

Assalamu alaikum,

Just a reminder the 2nd part of the Hajj seminar is tonight at 8pm sharp.

This is an ideal opportunity for those intending to perform Hajj this year to familiarise yourselves with the Fiqh and rituals of Hajj. Those not performing Hajj will also benefit as you will be gaining valuable knowledge on one of the main pillars of Islam and hopefully prepare you for the day when Allah invites you to visit his house.

Please do not miss this course. The details are as follows:

Topic: The Fiqh of Hajj

Time: 8pm – 9(ish)pm

Date: Friday 22nd October 2010

Venue: London Borough of Sutton, Civic Offices, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA (Meeting Room 3)

Don’t forget everyone is welcome so please bring your family and also invite as many people as possible.

How to put on your Ihraam

Posted August 8th, 2010 by admin and filed in General, Hajj&Umrah, How to, Special Bayan, Videos & MP3

For those of you performing Umrah during Ramadaan this year, here’s a short video that will help you put on your Ihraam… properly!