Eid in the Park, Sutton, 2010

Posted September 12th, 2010 by admin and filed in General, Videos & MP3

Just a quick video of the day.

20 Responses to “Eid in the Park, Sutton, 2010”

  1. Rifshan Sameem says:

    Nice video.

  2. Farhan says:

    Great event mashaAllah. The best Eid we had for a long long time!! May Allah reward all those that contributed to this event.

  3. Parveen Choudhury says:

    To everyone who organised this event – JazakAllah Khairun for all your efforts. It was a fantastic day which we will never forget. My family enjoyed this day so much, we can’t stop talking about it. We look forward to many more EID’s like this in the park.

  4. Abdool Cader says:

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

    Eid mubarak to all members of COM and the Ummah in general.
    May Allah (swt) accept our supplications

    Cader & family.

  5. Fatema Uddin says:


    Masha’Allah; it seems you all had a very fun and successful day! We really enjoyed the video; our only regret is that we couldn’t be there to celebrate with our COM family as we are now based in Switzerland, but you were definately in our thoughts throughout Eid day!

    Congratulations for organising such a wonderful event, may all those who were involved in making it happen be rewarded in abundance.

    We pray that there will be many more Prayers in the Park!

    Best Wishes Kashim and Fatema Uddin.

  6. abdelmajid says:

    ما شاء الله
    اللهم أعز الاسلام والمسلمين
    الله أكبر

  7. leena says:

    Masha’Allah nice video.
    It’s the best Eid I have had so far, especially with performing Eid Salaah in the park, It has been memorable.

    A big thank you to those who organised it.

    I am looking forward to more Eid gatherings! Insha’Allah.

  8. Ridwan Choudhury says:

    Alhamdulillah for a fantastic Eid. May Allah reward all those who worked hard to make this day possible. That was the best Eid I have had in my whole life (I am 13). I pray to Allah that every Eid is like this in the future. The video is great, Abdul Latif looked fantastic and delivered the message perfectly as usual Masha Allah. Finally thanks to the one who caught me on the footage!!

  9. Nilofar Choudhury says:

    Jazak Allah Khair to everyone at COM for a brilliant day. I did not know what to expect, however,when I arrived at the park, I was speechless. All my friends and I had a really fun time.

    A special thanks to my (boro mama), Abdus Salam who has made this Eid so special for me, I will not forget it in years to come. THANK YOU.

  10. F.H.Dar says:

    Masha’Allah..what a happy gathering of Muslims…bowing down to Allah Subhan-wata’aAllah in submissiion & gratitude exclusively to Him…& in full view of all ..alhamdolillah!
    A good opportunity to educate/inform the wider community that the Muslim Prayer is simple & inclusive(all ‘colours’,tribes, sub-cultures,income-groups,parochialists, Language-groups etc were lined up in equality & in harmony before the Creator!)
    It was indeed “Yoma-na”(=our Day)

    May Allah reward all those who worked so hard to ‘revive’ the Sunnah of our beloved(‘Habeebanaa’) Ar-Rasool , in a Park in Sutton!(Ameen)

  11. Umm Yusuf says:

    As salaam alaikum – Unfortunately we missed this event however it seems to have been a lovely day! Masha Allah you revived a forgotten sunnah! Jazakamullah Khayrun and Insha’Allah will be there next year.

    Wa salaam alaikum

  12. Mohsin Choudhury says:

    This Eid brought back memories from my chilhood. It was a great day which was enjoyed by all those who attended. From now on, no more Eid’s in the mosque, only in the Park, InshaAllah. You can count on my support. Well done to everyone who worked very hard for this event to be successful.

  13. fashra sameem says:

    eid was great masha allah! 🙂

  14. Zahrah bint Ahad says:

    From bringing our Ummah together, to reviving the Sunnah of our Prophet, to actively taking part in Dawah, and revitalising our Iman – Subhanallah!

    JZK to the organisers and helpers of COM, and of course all who attended – I hope you all enjoyed it as immensely as I did – May Allah Reward you for all your efforts.

    [Truly. Amazing. Day. Alhamdullillah.] – Enough said.

  15. Umm Ahad says:

    Allahuakbar – I was so fortunate to attend such a fantastic event!

    Jazaakallah hu khair to the organisers, Inshallah this can be possible again next Eid.

  16. Abdulla says:

    I waited 30 years in Sutton for this.. Alhamdullillah, it was worth the wait.

    Well done COM – Let’s try this again for next Eid, inshallah.

  17. Sameen Ahmed says:

    Juzzak allah-hu-khyran to everyone that organised it.
    It was an event that I’ll always remember. Alhamdullilah we all had so much fun and seeing myself bouncing on the castle was awesome!

    It was only me and my two brothers that came from our family this time, inshallah the rest will come on the next 😀 And inshallah it’ll be even better next Eid

  18. Omar Hayat says:

    Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

    Great video. Great work, AbdusSalam and all the bro’s. Brings back fond memories…

    Salam to ustad AbdulLateef.

  19. Kaleel Somauroo says:

    Assalamualaikum and Eid Mubaruk!

    Good job in the park yesterday.May Allah reward you for all you efforts.

  20. Nisreen says:

    Jazakallukhairan for everyone that helped to pull of this fantastic event, may Allah reward you for all your effort (a month ago). We all had so much fun, alhamdullilah and insha’allah we’ll be able to do this again next eid.
    Masha’allah, what a great day that was!
    The video is also great! (Masha’allah as well)