Preparing for Ramadaan
Coming this August: Shaik Abu Abdullah discusses “Preparing for Ramadaan”, the virtues and the rewards.
Plan of the day:
10:45 – 2:00pm: Sisters Only activities (boys under 10 welcome)
3:00 – 3:50pm: Family gathering (for everyone)
3:50 – 4:00pm: Clearing up and getting the hall ready for the presentations
4:00 – 5:30pm: The main talk by our guest speaker followed by a Q&A session
5:30pm – 6.00pm: Asr prayers and then close (Please stay on to give a hand tiding up)
Important Note:
If you have a question for the speaker you may email it in advance to: but not later than 6pm Saturday. Your name will not be mentioned and if the shaikh doesn’t cover your question during the talk then it will be answered during the Q&A session as a priority, in-shaa’a Allah .
Date & Venue
August 1, 2010, The Quad in Carshalton (click here for map)