Keep fit class

Posted August 31st, 2014 by admin and filed in General

Assalamu alaikum,

A quick email to inform everyone that the Martial arts classes for the brothers are back on again every Tuesdays and Thursdays in Sutton. The age group ranges from 10 years old to over 60 years old.

The classes have been running for over 3 years and we have seen many people benefit immensely from this in a number of ways:

·         Weight loss and body toning for a much leaner and healthier look due to the high intense cardio training.
·         Increase in strength, fitness and stamina which has benefitted many people.
·         Improved focus and self-confidence in both youth as well as adults.
·         Meeting Muslim brothers in the community and creating this special bond.
·         Training in an Islamic environment with 5 minutes reminder at the end of training.
Those who haven’t attended the class in the past but would like to join, here a little taster of our session:

The details of the class is as follows:

CLASS:           Brothers Martial arts

VENUE:           The Thomas Wall Centre, 52 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, SM1 4DP

COST:             Free of Charge for those who do not have the means to pay otherwise we encourage people to contribute as little as £2 per session towards the hire of the facilities.

WHEN:            Every Tuesday and Thursday @ 7:30 – 9:30pm

PARKING:      There is onsite parking in the premises. If the car park is full then people can park on single yellow lines after 6:30pm on the roads (double check the notices).

BUS ROUTE:  280, 164, 80, 151, 213, S1, X26, 413

TRAIN:            Sutton Station

Please circulate this widely as possible.

Jazakallah Khairan,

Companions of the Mosque (COM)

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