Eid in the Park – HELPERS REQUIRED

Posted September 17th, 2015 by admin and filed in General

Assalamu alaikum,

I just wanted to let you know we are planning Eid in the Park. If you’re a seasoned visitor to Eid event you know how much fun it was. If you’ve never been then you’re certainly missing out!…watch this teaser video…

OK, so now we have your attention: in order to make this event a success we need YOUR help.

We need people to:

– clear and set up the park – needs about 20 people and but takes just one hour

– Distributing party bags – needs about 20 older teens

Marshal and be COM ambassadors – 30 people or as many as possible!

– Food servers (need 10 brothers and 10 sisters)

– Clear up the park at 1.30pm – AS MANY POSSIBLE

If you would like to know more about this please come to the Civic office on Friday 18 September, 2015. I will be showcasing our Eid event and recruiting as many people as possible.


I will be also holding a planning meeting on Saturday 19 September 2015 at the Thomas Wall Centre at 1.30pm for 1 hour only! Please attend if you are intending to help.


If you have any queries, please call me (Ahad) directly on 07713189032.



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