Classes resume as normal from Rab 1438 (Jan 2017)

Posted January 5th, 2017 by admin and filed in General

Important Announcement

Dear all
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

إن شاء الله COM’s circles will resume from dates as follows: (dates are in Hijree and Gregorian):

Civic Offices:

Friday circles etc :
8/4/1438 (6 Jan 2017 )
Starting Time 7pm

Mondays Quran Tajweed for brothers:
11/4/1438 (9 Jan 2017)
Starting time 7:3pm

13/4/1438 (11 Jan 2017)
Starting time 7:40pm


Thomas Wall Centre

Saturday Quran club for the young ones;
09/4/1438 (7 Jan 2017)
Starting time 10:15 am.  (no entry after 10:30)
Juzz Amma studies for All;
Starting time: 1:40pm

Monday Tajweed for Sisters;
11/4/1438 (9 Jan 2017)
Starting time 12:20pm

Wednesday Islam studies and Q&A for sisters
13/4/1438 (11 Jan 2017)
Starting time 10am

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