IMPORTANT NOTICE: No Zakaatul-fitr collection on Eid day event
For people intending to attend the The Companions Of the Mosque (COM`s) Eid in the Park Event please note:
We WILL NOT collect any money for Zakaatul–Fitr, End of Fasting Zakaht (Fitrana) on Eid day as it is a Fiqh issue, (please see this document for more information).
However, you can make your contribution at our Taraweeh venue. This collection will be closed on Sunday 24 Ramadan (Sunday 12 August) – in order to arrange for the money to be sent overseas and converted into food.
We will only be collecting COM’s fund on the Eid day – may Allah reward you all for your generous contribution and right it for you as an on-going charity.
Those who cannot attend our Taraweeh venue but want us to manage their Fitra Zakaht, please contact one of COM senior members before the closing date, Sunday 24 Ramadan (Sunday 12 August).
You can also email for more information.